RWC5020x FW_V1.300_20200817 | |
RWC5020A/B/M Firmware Release V1.300 Aug 17 2020
[LoRaWAN] - adaptation to TS001-1.0.4 / RP002-1.0.1 1. Add AS923_CH_CROUP and AS923_FREQ_OFFSET parameters to accommodate country specific sub-bands. 2. DR6 and DR7 are allowed for downlink of AS923. 3. DR7 is allowed for downlink of IN865. 4. Add UL_DWELL_TIME parameter for AU915. 5. CN470 Regional Parameter has been significantly changed and are not backward compatible with previous version. - Add CH_PLAN parameter to support channel plan 20M Type A, 20M Type B, 26M Type A, and 26M Type B - Most default RF frequency values are changed according to the new spec. 6. The version display was integrated into LoRaWAN1.0.x while reflecting the changes of LoRaWAN 1.0.4. 7. Fixed to maintain the current DR when receiving LinkAdrReq with DR15. [Pre-Certification] 8. After running the US915 Certi item 9.4, some DUTs that have the function to turn on all RF channels automatically, may cause a problem that the next test items do not proceed normally. To avoid this, it has been modified to send the LinkADRReq to set the proper channel mask at the end of the test item 9.4. 9. Updated IN865 Certification with Ver1.1.
[RF Performance] 10. If the DUT does not respond properly to the sensitivity test, it will auto-stop after several attempts.
[NST] 11. For long preamble testing, the maximum value of the preamble size of NST TX has been changed from 13 to 255. 12. The RX preamble size has been added to NST RX. [Link Analyzer] 13. Added MIC_ERROR, XOR_MHDR, XOR_FHDR parameters to generate abnormal MAC command for malfunction test. 14. Added time stamp function to log messages. 15. Added DEV_EUI on contents of Join Request message.
[ETC] 16. Added remote command for Reboot and Factory Reset. 17. Added remote command for IP setting. 18. Added protection function to reset in case of save/recall memory error. |
- Previos
- RWC5020x SW_V1.301_20200824